The Patriot’s Authority (part 4)
So, if we have the authority from our Constitution and from God, then why haven’t we exercised this since the Civil War? I think, over time, as we sat in comfort and control, we started making compromises.
“Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money. Yet they look for the Lord’s support and say, “Is not the Lord among us? No disaster will come upon us.”
Micah 3:11
Christians accepted a tax deduction for a bribe to not talk about the government. It became ‘Godly’ to abstain from the mire of politics and culture. Thus, abandoning the unique honor of shepherding our nation that our forefathers gave us as an inheritance. We left God’s flock to be shepherded by the wolves. Then we say, “God, bless America!”
You may say that that Christians can’t agree on much. Maybe not, but how would our culture look if every Christian pushed for what was right in their community? Even divided, it would have a great impact. For example, if Christians chose both the Democrat and Republican candidates in the primaries, would it change politics? Since churches have longer memories than individuals, we could have held politicians and culture accountable. Would abortion exist in America? Could we have made social reforms quicker? By neglecting evil, we gave it our consent and it has grown. I believe God will hold American citizens accountable both as a government and citizens.
We love to quote Matthew 5:13a, “You are the salt of the earth.” However, I seldom see the rest of the verse with it. “…but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” I see this verse working out in America. Christians left government, education, and culture to those who hate God. We stopped being salt of the earth, and now we are seeing the trampling. I love The Church and my country. I just morn what we have lost. Let us repent and return to what we can be. We can be the American Church, standing as a defense against tyranny, the salt of the earth.
- If we are not willing to defend truth in our culture, how will people trust us when we share the truth of Jesus?
- What the difference between The Church and churches.
- Are churches helping or hindering the work or The Church in America?
- Are we helping or hindering the work of The Church in America?
By Duane Shoebridge