Patriots United CV

"We are constitutional conservative Christians who seek to glorify and honor God. We exist to protect and defend life, liberty, and justice and to support like-minded candidates"

Patriots United CV

Patriot Circles

You have a group of friends that you trust. You help them and they help you through those hard days. As the days are getting more “interesting”, it’s good to set up that support more deliberately. This circle of friends dedicated to supporting each other we call a Patriot Circle. This page is dedicated to give you classes and connections to help you strengthen your Patriot Circle. The businesses listed here are not paid adds. They are listed because they are independent and not taking support from the government, they are Patriots. Buying directly from the farms, the medium and small farms can survive and you pay less for good food.

To read articles for discussion, click the link to the right called Patriot Circle Discussion.

Farms Selling food directly to the Patriots